Saturday, April 28, 2012

Thing a Day #7 | Someecards

That's right, seven whole days... I'm rather impressed with myself! 

I have a habit of starting something and not finishing it, I blame it on being a Gemini. :-) I have too many good ideas to just stick to one. But, I like this one and I'm having a good time. So, thanks to anyone and everyone who's taken the time to check out my blog. 

Today, I'm telling you about these silly ecards, if you have a Facebook, you've probably seen them circulating. If not, you'll learn more here!

Obviously I like things that make you laugh, and these cards do. They usually are a bit sarcastic, completely politically incorrect (which I love), and often say things you really want to say but never do.

There is a huge library of them on the website, or you can create your own. Choose from color back ground, picture, and type in your text. Voila! There's no buggy sign up, subscribe, any of that! You can just create, share, copy, save.... 

I went through and found a few I liked to share. 


  1. Those are great. Especially the crude humor ones!(my favorite humor) ~ Congrats on sticking with this Jess!

  2. LOL! Thanks been bad at it last few days. I fractured my wrist and sprained my elbow. typing with one hand sucks.
