Saturday, February 15, 2014

Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Thunder!!

Sometimes people can be real jerks! I have to remind myself that when people try to disrupt your happiness, it's up to you let them or say... hell to the no!

I've been dealing with a person, and in case anyone ever reads this I will respect his anonymity. Although respect in him seems unnecessary, but it's never given back to me. One of those people that will happily do anything for themselves, and not give a damn about how his actions affect another person.

Needless to say for a month I've been letting him get away with it. I plan to let him know this is completely unacceptable and "IF" he actually does give a damn about me, maybe he will change. Buuuut, as mama always says, "You can't change a man". If he's 34 and still acting like a little kid, he's not going to change.

Not that he is "Stealing my thunder" in the Friends sense, he has be stealing my peace of mind. Not anymore!!