Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thing a Day #1 | The Ice Tray

This again was inspired by Greg, and our Ice conversation. I never have Ice Cubes, ever. A friend who would come over and want a cool refreshment was stuck with my usual tepid beverage. Not ideal. So, he purchased an ice tray for me.

Sweet idea. WORST ICE TRAY EVER! All the cubes are tiny, quarter circumference. I thought it would be a good thing for a quarters game because of this, and the fact that the guys playing quarters next to me were not having any success. (Protective eyewear was advised by me)

The Ice Tray

You can see the cubes are tiny, I'll be positive... there are 21 of them.

There is this squishy green rubber on the bottom so you can push the ice cube out. Sounds easier than it is, need some serious finger strength.

Now I have all the cubes in the cup 24 oz. They don't even fill half the cup. :-(

Add water.
Where did they go? Fill it to the top and there is too much surface area so the water melts them all right away and the water isn't really that much colder.

4 hours to freeze cubes
5 minutes to try to hack them out of the ice tray
1 minute filling and observing
4:06 Total for slightly less warm water.

Lesson? If you want something colder than tap water at my place, bring your own cubes!


  1. :) This is a common problem for those who dont own a $1,000 fridge that magically gives birth to ice cubes...or those who dont feel like going UFC with a bag of $2 ice on the floor of a 2nd story apartment that wakes the downstairs neighbors and puts a puddle of water on the floor. ~ There's got to be a way to design an ice tray that is easy,efficient and maybe even FUN to use. :-)

  2. I couldn't agree more!! A few months ago I tried to break up the reamaining 10in X 10in cube of ice in the bottom of the bag by slamming the bag against the arch going into the kitchen/livingroom. The ice stayed in tact but now there is a gigantic divot on the corner where all the plaster came off and pushed in the wall. UGH! I'll have to figure out how to fix it myself or my apartment complex will likely try to charge me One Billion Dollars to fix it.

    Thanks for commenting! :)
