Sunday, April 28, 2013

When in Need... Help Others Indeed!

This year has been rough, unemployment sucks. I'm extremely fortunate and blessed to have a family that is supportive, compassionate and positive.

I have other friends whose parent's wouldn't do anything to help them, encourage them or keep them positive. Or some will but their compassion and support has an expiration date. I've never felt that.
I've been out of work for a while now, and it is driving me crazy!!! I loved my job, really did, but as things go, they streamlined their processes which made my job obsolete. I understand this happens, and from a professional prospective I can understand the necessity to increase the efficiency of the company. I've actually had to make those same decisions regarding employees and the easiest answer is always to respect those who have been there longer. I didn't work with anyone who came in and was like, "Ahh shit... another day!" we all liked what we did. My boss gave me an epic letter of recommendation and was truly apologetic for the situation, and I understand it wasn't "personal" Still feels that way.

Randombling: I hate it when people stay in jobs they hate, I would never do that. Sure, everyone has a bad day, but work takes up such a large part of your life, why would you stay somewhere that makes you miserable. Admittedly, last time I was laid off, actually I was fired because "I didn't call in sick often enough". Not a joke, that's why... but, to be honest, I suppose I see their point. I worked with kids. But in my defense, kids are an incubus for viral infection. I never went with a fever or other gross stuff. When you go to school full time, work full time and spend a lot of it around children, you get sick a lot.

Okay, I will continue... My mom is taking care of my rent, actually bought a condo for me so I would stop stressing. (I know this makes me sound like a spoiled brat, but it's with the intention that as soon as I begin working I will take over all expenses, and it will be an investment for my future). She tells me to take this time to relax, enjoy myself, read, go on vacation (on the $172 per week I get for Unemployment). Books, those are the answer, my vacation. I can go anywhere in the world when I read a book. Ooopsies! Sidetracked. Back to it.

My mother is all about me enjoying this "break" from working. It's hard not to feel a bit depressed when you are in your 30's and your mom is paying your rent. But, she's raised kids, me... I wasn't easy, my brothers are like an alien species, this is not meant condescendingly, it's just they are a species I/we do not understand. Mom gets me, and she knows me, hates to see me down. I told her I was just going to take some crap job for some money, she said not to, that's a waste of my time and if I hate it I will feel worse. (Did I tell you she is awesome?) She suggested I volunteer, and then I'd realize it wasn't as bad as I thought, and I may make a networking connection.

(Insert angels singing)

Love it! Now we get to the subject of this post. If you are following or have read anything previous I always have to provide background. If I started with, "If you volunteer when your down you will feel better!" I'd neither be a decent writer, nor fulfill my need to divulge information. That said; Volunteering is always something I love to do! It is a wonderful gift to others, and organizations.

I go to church, this is something very important to me, even with my $172 a week I tithe my 10%, God's got my back. I asked them if they needed any volunteers, they do not. I decided to go to my past volunteer organizations. But, for some reason I had some reservations with that, I've volunteered for St. Vincent de Paul for years, Goodwill, Salvation Army, Feed My Starving Children and a few animal rescue organizations. Those are all great places that do a lot for people in need, but I really needed to do something one on one. I needed to see that I was helping an individual.

I contacted all of my friends, and Facebook friends and let them all know that I was available to volunteer my time. I offered free web design, as this could give me a client profile, as I wouldn't feel right giving a link to a company page I've created as a company employee. That's copywrited, even if I was the copywriter. I have friends that are returning to school as adults, offered free tutoring for classes, and for their kids, if anyone else was looking for resume help, or needed help with cover letter templates. I'd do anything, and to let their friends know.

This worked, I've managed to trade a web page for personal training. (People aren't comfortable getting something for nothing, even if it's to help lift the givers spirit) I made a web page for 6th Grade Math Jeopardy (If you want the files I will be happy to send). I tutored my friend on his MBA statistics homework, funny since I've yet to complete my BA. But he got a 100%! I tutored a lot... mostly people returning to college. All of these little things worked, it was volunteering my time to people I knew needed it, and was able to see them learn, grow their businesses, get a job (irony), plan an important event. I never asked for money, it was my way to stay busy and connected.

No, I have yet to get a job, but I feel better, and busy. If it were up to me I'd stay on my sofa all day and read, and read, then read a little more. But I'm not going to let this get me down,I will fid the right opportunity, with a company that isn't downsizing.

None of my family members are aware of this blog, but I have to give them a shout out! I am blessed with a wonderful support group and family! Seriously, my brother emails me from Afghanistan where he is in charge of 90 men, experiences air raids every night, and still he emails me frequently to tell me he prays for me every night.

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