Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I hear a lot that I "make up" words. I don't feel as though they are made up, if I say them and people understand what I mean when I say them, then it's obviously used in correct context and understood... Therefore it IS a word.

Let's give a brief example of my words:

  1. Jessicisms: Words said by Jessica, that are made unique by pronunciation or lack of popularity. e.g. Randomblings.
  2. Randomblings: A metaphor for the words, phrases spoken, or actions performed at random, but what Jessica feels needs to be said or exhibited.
  3. S.M.R.T: A spoken misspelling of smart meant to insult the intelligence of the person to whom the letters are spoken. "I hate it when unsmart people say unsmart things". My response, "S.M.R.T"
  4. Wootenany: This can only be described as random things that I can't classify. If I download a random file, something that can't be classified by any of my file organization it is put into my "Woo" folder. Woo is short for wootenany. 
  5. Absword: Something I would say if I find that someone uses a word completely out of context and really believes they know what they are talking about. "OMG, So this dude said such an absurdly preverted thing to me!!" My response, "OMG! That's Absword!" They assume I'm saying that's absurd, but I'm insulting them. (Irony is not lost.)
  6. Funk Shui: A situation, person or object just makes me feel funky thereby disrupting my Feng shui.
  7. Facecreeping: General stalking someone on Facebook.
  8. Cumplicated: A guy who seems to only like to make you *ahem* but seems to have no desire to progress the relationship further.
  9. Funcuzed: Fucking confused!
  10. Imperessting: Something I find both interesting and impressing. Rare occurrence..."Wow, you know about my favorite book and give me a different perspective. That is imperesting!"
That's all I have to share for now. I do not intend to to sound condescending in any way, however this makes me think maybe I secretly am.

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